We have tried many a slime recipe in our house, but this was a new one for us today! The idea for this one came from Dr Jenny Kobernick, in Alabama. Thanks Jenny!
By mixing just two ingredients you can make something between glue-slime, fluffy slime and playdough. It is super easy to make, and my kids had a lot of fun moulding it and playing around with it this afternoon - the perfect thing to occupy them on a lockdown afternoon while I'm in a conference call!
To make your cloud-slime you will need:
1/2 cup of conditioner (any conditioner will work!)
1 cups of cornflour
A few drops of food colouring
Step 1: Mix the cornflour and conditioner together in a bowl, making sure there are no lumps
Step 2: Pop a few drops of food colouring in and mix it well
Step 3: Play with your fluffy slime!